Tuesday, July 23, 2013

SQlServer Concatenating row values from a column in a table using ‘For XML’

When writing ETL jobs in SQL, transforming data between values in a column in table and a string representation (like all values concatenated in a comma separated string) can be a required step.
In my recent ETL project, while trying to de-normalize an Entity-attribute-value data model to a data warehouse friendly schema, I encountered a similar problem.
I had to concatenate the attribute names into a comma separated list, so I could generate the desired schema and issue queries using the ‘IN’ statement. I think I’d leave the details of the job and discussions or reasoning regarding my approach.
I was able to accomplish this using the‘FOR XML’ and a correlated subquery in sql server as shown below.

 ID int not null,
  code VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
  value VARCHAR(200),
  PRIMARY KEY (ID, code));

INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(1,'Risk', 'High');
INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(1,'Priority', 'Med');
INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(1,'type', 'personal');
INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(1,'date', '20080215');
INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(1,'amount', '3500.00');

INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(2,'Risk', 'Low');
INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(2,'Priority', 'High');
INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(2,'type', 'open');
INSERT INTO #EAV_Test (ID,code, value) VALUES(2,'amount', '250.00');

SELECT ID, code, value FROM #EAV_Test;

/* Get all distinct codes for an ID */
Select distinct ID,
stuff((select ','+cast(code as varchar(1000))
        from #EAV_Test as T2
        where T1.ID = T2.ID 
        for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'varchar(max)'),1,1,'') AllCodes
from #EAV_Test T1

/* Results for previous query
ID     AllCodes
1      amount, date, Priority, Risk, type
2      amount, Priority, Risk, type

/* Get all values for each code */
Select distinct code,
stuff((select ','+cast(value as varchar(1000))
        from #EAV_Test as T2
        where T1.code = T2.code
        for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'varchar(max)'),1,1,'') AllCodes
from #EAV_Test T1

/* Results for previous query
code   AllCodes
amount 3500.00, 250.00
date   20080215
Priority      Med, High
Risk   High, Low
type   personal, open

drop table #EAV_Test

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